Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July Sunset

July Sunset by LL Holder

A July sunset
Filled with your passionate hues
Deep blossoms the rose


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


HATE (I don't know what other title to use. Read and you will see why.)

I was reading an article recently at regarding recent deaths of illegal immigrants in the Arizona desert. According to the article, an Arizona medical examiner said the bodies of 40 illegal immigrants had been brought to his office in Tucson since July 1. The largest single death count had been 68 back in July 2005 but at the current rate there will likely be more in 2010 than the 2005 level. I'm paraphrasing here but the cause of death is primarily the heat. I believe the original article was by the Associated Press. It was brief, well written and factual.

Once I finished reading the article I noticed there had been hundreds of comments posted by readers regarding the article. I clicked on "comments" and simply could not believe what I was reading. I literally had tears in my eyes as I read:

(Spelling and punctuation are shown as they appeared at

romak3 from Iowa wrote: "At that rate, Parks (medical examiner) said the deaths could top the single-month record of 68" Records are ment to be broke!!! get-r-done

heyzues from Ohio commented: those darn people deserve what they get for stealing my jobs

colmark2 replied to someone known as ralpherus: the summer does not last all year....darn it. I figure, HEY we have nerve gas...VX would remain on the desert for ten rainfalls- or years...that would make for quite a pile of bleached bones...===== Exactly which part of the 'Christian' spectrum do you represent, ralpherus?

atomicpunk1 wrote: If the federal gov won't do anything, maybe mother nature will....

Dave Yeakel, using what may be his real name, wrote: Well at least nature is securing the border.

bobotheclown from Virginia stated his feelings this way: Best news I've heard all month. Probably all year.

As I said, there were hundreds of comments much like these or worse. You have to question FoxNews for posting these comments since they reserve the right to determine what gets posted and what does not get posted.

OHFrank2014 wrote: The hatred I see in these comments will eat you alive and spill over into every other part of your lives. My heart breaks for the family in the desert tonight. Just imagine the fear and discouragement. May God bless them and give them safety. We don't own this world. It's God's terra firma and we're just passing thru. Reach out in love and help these people. I write this in tears this night.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Philip Allen at Coffee Amici

Philip Allen was the headliner at Coffee Amici tonight (7/17) and did he ever put on a show. I've watched this young performer grow over the past couple of years and he was more "on" tonight than I've ever seen him. He brought the house down with his last song which was basically a tribute to Coffee Amici and how it just feels like home. I agree.